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Affiliate Pogram

Refer clients and earn immediate cash, hassle free.

CoolOrca marketplace offers a referral program suitable for every digital business or individual. Our affiliates benefit from a transparent referral policy where they can track easily their performance.Benefits of our affiliate program are obvious.

  • Immediate payouts of your referral links. You start earning your commission with the first sale of your first referral customer.
  • You get rewarded for the sales of other businesses. You have no need to generate your own sales.
  • You get rewarded for promoting our platform, thus you increase your commission from the existing referral customers.
  • You form part of an ample affiliate network of businesses from all industries.
  • You scale up infinitely by generating referrals, with no risk or investment.
  • You have access to our friendly multilingual customer support.
  • Zero investment. We have created a platform, and you make money out of its steady performance.
  • Zero advertising costs. We advertise ourselves.
  • Zero labour investment. You refer clients and earn commission.
  • Zero intermediaries. You are in control of your earnings.
Plan nameSellers registration feeRegistration reward amount

Invite your buyer friend  €2.50

As you decide to form part of our affiliate network, you get assistance in your registration. Our program is available to any business or individual.
Our affiliate partners are all part of our affiliate network. It is part of our agreement that affiliates use CoolOrca logo and name for all referrals and present themselves as CoolOrca affiliates.
We offer three different plans, for you to choose the suitable one.

Earn with us!

Affiliate policy

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