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Welcome to CoolOrca!

We want everyone using our platform to feel safe, respected, and valued. As a result, we have established some house rules that we expect all users to follow. Our rules aim to create a fair, respectful, and transparent environment where everyone feels included and comfortable., Inc.

We have established community policies to ensure a positive and harmonious environment. Please take a moment to review them


Sellers Rules

What you can Sell, your duties and regulations, and other policies.


Buyers Policies

Shopping, communication with Sellers, Orders and Delivery.


Third Parties

IP Holders, Intellectual Property Owners, Users and Partners requesting Information.

As a platform that connects buyers, sellers, and third parties, Cool Orca strives to provide a fair and transparent marketplace. Our policies are tailored to create a safe and trusted environment where all users can interact confidently. We value your privacy and ensure that any personal information shared is protected. We do not tolerate fraudulent or malicious activity, and work hard to prevent and address any issues that may arise. By adhering to our policies and guidelines, Cool Orca's community can foster positive experiences and build long-lasting relationships.


We have zero-tolerance for hate speech, discrimination, harassment, or any other form of inappropriate behavior. Users who violate these rules risk losing their account privileges or being reported to the appropriate authorities.


Additionally, we expect all users to comply with our policies regarding intellectual property, privacy, and security. We take these matters seriously and will do everything in our power to protect our users' rights and interests.


In summary, CoolOrca operates on the basis of mutual respect, fairness, and transparency. We ask that all users take a moment to familiarize themselves with our house rules and commit to upholding them. Let's work together to make CoolOrca a safe, inclusive, and thriving community for all.

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