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The new vision of  Cool Orca

  • CoolOrca is a new commercial project. We develop several related projects in IT.
  •  Currently we are operating an international marketplace for retailers, designed on the basis of our experience. CoolOrca Marketplace has all the benefits of the main existing marketplaces, but none of their drawbacks. Our projects are united by the same objectives.We have registered representations in the USA and Europe. Our aim is to include international users regardless of their location.
  • Our company has always had a hunch for successful ideas. We bet on online trade when .com businesses were new and unfamiliar, and won.
  •  We started riding this new wave when there was a lot of uncertainty and risk – and it was just the thing to do. So now we have a reliable worldwide network of customers who we cater for. Regular monitoring of the market helps us meet all our customers’ requirements before they even voice any.








 Our plan for the next 5years


  Expand CoolOrca retail website worldwide.

  Attract new customers, also from excluded areas.

  •  Create a wholesale version of CoolOrca for international users.
  •  Provide our sellers with legal support and registration.
  •  Establish a bank to provide services to our customers.
  •  Going public by issuing shares to attract investment.
  •  Establish a business dedicated to manufacture,
  • assembly and sales of gaming computers and equipment.

  •  Sales and maintenance of server rooms in EU and USA.






    CoolOrca retail website has been only one step of the way, but we want to take it farther. Our next step will be a B2B marketplace for international businesses.


    We believe there is a need for such a project, as there is currently no usable alternative for large scale international marketplace for businesses.


    The existing marketplaces follow their policies that exclude many potential users.


    We will be happy to include users of all backgrounds, and we will provide them with legal advice and guidance for registration, establishing their seller profile.


    CoolOrca will monitor all activities to make sure they comply with our rules and high standards of quality.









Steps of the way


    CoolOrca Marketplace for retailers.


    CoolOrca Marketplace for wholesalers.


    Legal support and registration.


    Establishing a bank.


    Going public, issuing shares.


    Investment into IT.



 Why invest in CoolOrca


    CoolOrca is a self-sustainable independent project.


    With us our customers have access to a full package of services, from registering their business to banking and world-wide delivery services.


    A variety of projects guarantees return of investment.


    All projects involve cutting-edge technology.


    We invest into long-term and short-term projects.


    Investors will get more detailed information when demonstrate their commitment.

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